Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Issue 4 of 'Plaything of Sutekh' on the way

Plaything of Sutekh is slowly gearing up again. Issue 4 is now in production. I know, it's a surprise to me, too. However that grovelling insect Scarman can't give a definite publication date yet so please watch this space.


  1. I'm looking forward to the new issue of Plaything, as always. You need to give that grovelling insect Scarman a good psychic lashing and tell him to get a move on. :)

  2. Any news/update on publication date for #4?

    1. We're further along than we were, Phil. Couple of new writers on board, another artist to share the load. Waiting on a few more things but we're on track. Just slow :-(
